Most people are ONLY able to effectively communicate, understand, motivate, and influence others who think like they do.
The problem is that each person has their own unique set of filters through which they see things and experience life.
These filters are
shaped by a person’s sense of IDENTITY, their beliefs about what is TRUE, and their values about what is GOOD.
Communication becomes even more complex when you consider that each person has a unique way of thinking and processing information.
The WORDS they use describe mental pictures and trigger emotions that only THEY are aware of. Just ask twenty people what “to retire comfortably” specifically means to them and you will get twenty different answers.
Every day professionals lose opportunities because they choose the wrong words to explain themselves -- or their body language turns people off. People also use their brains differently. Some people (about 40%) think in a linear sequence and if you don’t give them enough detail, you will lose their trust.
Another 40% of people “see the whole picture” at once, and those people get frustrated if you give them too much information. Half the population needs outside opinions or “proof” before they are convinced that your ideas are right for them. On the flip side, a large percentage of people need to feel that their decisions are theirs and theirs alone.
A few people (8%) need time to “mull things over” while about 25% make decisions automatically. Some people are attracted to things that are DIFFERENT and NEW, while others move toward things that are FAMILIAR to them.
To get HALF of the population to take action, you have to paint a picture of how MISERABLE they will be if they don’t take action now. If you do THAT to the other half of the population, they will be turned off and you won’t EVER get them back.
How do you know WHO to say WHAT to?
Sometimes convincing people is simple but getting them to ACT seems almost impossible. But once you understand HOW people are motivated, moving them forward is a lot easier.
Mandy's motivation and influence program will help you understand each person’s uniqueness, and learn how to RESPECTFULLY communicate with that individual in the way THEY prefer.
As importantly, you will become a better listener, while gaining greater knowledge and understanding. Consequently, more people will like you, respect your opinion, AND want to follow your advice.
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![]() In addition to applying the twelve motivation principles, you will discover something really interesting about WHY people procrastinate (and how to change that around). |
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"I lost 104 lbs and 69.75 inches in 9 months after taking Mandy’s program." -- Jeyla Kimball, Hollywood, FL
"Mandy’s workshop helped me on every level of my LIFE, professional, financial, personal & spiritual . . . I am grateful!" -- Raul, Duarte, Miami, FL
"I now have a measure of internal calm and peacefulness I did not have before." -- Ellen Siegel, CLU CHFC, CFP, Miami, FL
"Mandy offers an intelligent, yet caring approach to helping people. Her programs are excellent ." -- Jill Beach, National Director of Media Relations,
VITAS Healthcare Corporation
"As a psychotherapist with a lucrative practice for many years I realized
I was unfulfilled and unhappy…I was stuck. In working with Mandy I made more progress in a few months than years of psychotherapy
and training. "--Shelley Eisenberg, Psychotherapist, New York, NY
"Over the years, I have attended many self-improvement seminars hosted by famous motivational leaders. I have spent a small fortune on all sorts of books and tapes and NONE have given me what you have…I really wanted to feel whole, confident, balanced, happy. You taught me the basic skills necessary to finally achieve what I wanted for myself." -- Kathy Poulin, Pompano Beach, FL
"The program was awesome, and
the new habits have already started
taking roots, and all I'm doing is
"baby steps".
-- Elsie Salinardi, CPA, CFP,
Sunrise, FL
"The key reward has been the
rekindling of my self-confidence"
Gary Harrison, Insurance Specialist,
Boca Raton, FL
"The [mind power techniques] really made me
reach deep within myself and realize
what limitations we put on ourselves.
Thanks to Mandy we now
have techniques we can use to go
beyond our previous limits. "
Veena Deddar, CFP CLU CHFC,
London Life, Toronto, Canada
"I’ve noticed that I am more organized
than I have ever been in my
life. I seem to have so much extra
time that I didn’t have before
thanks to the organizational
process that she teaches.
Because my professional life is so much more organized, I have so
more time to spend with my family"
Marilyn Blosser, CSA, LUTCF.
President, Women in Insurance
& Financial Services
"I am a thirty-five-year veteran of the scale wars, and this is the only program I know of that addresses ALL the issues of weight management. Working through the program has given me new insights into the root causes of my weight issues and new tools to deal with them. Whether you have suffered with eating disorders your whole life or you just want to speed up your metabolism and take off a few extra pounds, this program can really really help you." -- Angela Kelsey
Discover The Easiest, Smartest Solution For Losing Weight, And Keeping It Off For Good!
Discover how much better life can be when you put the power of your own mind to work for you.
You can improve any skill, get motivated, build confidence, improve self-esteem and even change limiting beliefs.